cylindrical axle guide câu
A pillar is cylindrical in shape, and perhaps quite hard or solid.Một cây cột luôn hình trụ, và có lẽ khá rắn chắc. The S41 is a CNC u...

Then you coat the whole thing with axle grease.Đoạn bao toàn bộ cHỗ đó bằng 1 lớp mỡ bò trục xề. Well, dip me in axle grease and call ...

Let's see if the tablet's ancient wisdom will guide us.Hãy xem trí tuệ cổ xưa trên phiến đá có giúp ta không. For you are the shepherd...

cylindrical bore
It has a cylindrical bore, and a bell opening out in a parabolic curve, thus adapted to reflect the sound straight ahead.Nó có một lỗ h...

cylindrical channel
Samsung used Channel Hole Technology (CHT) to enable cells to connect vertically with one another through a cylindrical channel that ru...

cylindrical coordinate
or, in cylindrical coordinates:Cylindrical Coordinate (tọa độ hình trụ): Therefore in a cylindrical coordinate system:Cylindrical Coord...

cylindrical coordinates
or, in cylindrical coordinates:Cylindrical Coordinate (tọa độ hình trụ): integral in cylindrical coordinates:Cylindrical Coordinate (t...

cylindrical drum
It was almost 18 years before a fully automated process was developed, the key breakthrough being use of a cylindrical drum coated with...

cylindrical filter
It is made primarily of plastic with a cylindrical filter and retails for about $20.Vật liệu được sử dụng chủ yếu là nhựa và silicone v...

cylindrical gear
The cylindrical gear generally adopts carburizing and quenching, grinding teeth, and the bearing capacity is more than four times highe...

cylindrical grinder
The universal cylindrical grinder, produced by American Brown-Sharp in 1876 at the Paris Exposition, is the first machine to have the b...

cylindrical grinding
The S41 is a CNC universal cylindrical grinding machine for large workpieces.S41 là một máy mài tròn phổ dụng CNC cho các phôi lớn. Th...

cylindrical lens
Meniscus Cylindrical Lens can increase the NA of the system while only adding slightly to the total spherical aberrations.Ống kính Meni...

cylindrical rotor
The technique, which involved continuous low-speed operation of a cylindrical rotor in a loosely surrounding stator, was immediately in...

cylindrical separator
models with a cylindrical separator will need to be cleaned every three to four glasses of juice.các mô hình với một bộ tách hình trụ s...

cylindrical shell
According to Gather, one of the key advantages of the new approach is that the light-emitting part of the protein molecules is protecte...

cylindrical surface
The cylindrical surface of the rollers is slightly relieved towards the ends.Bề mặt hình trụ của các con lăn là hơi nhẹ nhõm hướng tới ...

cylindrical tank
The wreckage of the Xiuhcoatl she had shot down had been smashed when it had hit the ocean surface, but there was something like a cyli...

cylindrical worm
The main features are: high efficiency, generally up to 90%; load capacity, generally higher than the ordinary cylindrical worm drive 5...

It has four 100-metre-long, semi-cylindrical antennas, which scan the entire northern sky each day.CHIME bao gồm bốn ăng ten hình trụ d...

a live axle
then it is a live axle.Vì vậy, nó là một mạch sống. At the rear there is usually one hose if your car has a live axle or two if it has...

axle beam
However, this technique won't work with old, beam-axled 4x4s, as the water tends to hit the front axle beam and squirt straight into th...

axle bearing
A hot box is the term used when an axle bearing overheats on a piece of railway rolling stock.Một hộp nóng là thuật ngữ được sử dụng kh...

axle box
They are firmly mounted so that the optical system always looks at the same point on the axle box of each train as it passes the instal...

axle drive
But the axle drive also illustrates the danger that electric technology presents to the German auto industry.Nhưng truyền động trục cũn...